End of Days
2014+ Middle East Meltdown
No Road map to Peace in the Middle East
Justice Has Not Been Served and Is Not Being Served
No Punishment Handed Down
Bible Prophecy is Marching Forward
February 11, 2015
As always I am using the Bible as my guide to write this essay and to create the Bible Milestone Flowchart. In my opinion the Bible is the most logical book ever written and is the first and best self help book that has ever been written. In addition, the Bible like all books has a theme; the Bible has two themes not one. The first theme is Justice Must Be Served and the second Progressive Punishment.
From the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation the characters were told what to do and how to conduct themselves by their guides whether their guides were God, Spiritual Leaders or Jesus himself, when disobeyed corrective action was taken. For example, Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden of Eden after eating the forbidden fruit.
Moses was kept from the Promise Land because of the stealing goods from the Egyptians, and the making of a false golden calf idol. Every fighting man that took part in the Exodus was not allowed to enter the Promise Land. God kept the Israelites from the Promise Land for 40 years, the number forty is significant because the average lifespan in Biblical times was forty years, and then you die.
Our gay stud David or King David was disciplined three times by God, first after committing the Sin of Sodom many times, meaning he treated his fellow man without hospitality and with great wickedness, as a result he was not allowed to build the first Temple in Jerusalem, that was left to David’s son Solomon. Second, after having an adulterous affair with Bathsheba the wife of one of his fighting men and getting her pregnant, the child only lived for several days before God struck down the newborn child. Lastly, after counting the fighting men, which was illegal for David to do, God killed 70,000 Jews. One program on the History Channel, the narrator suggested that King David acted more like a Mafia Don, than King of the Jews. Oh those dam Bible themes!
Jesus, just before he sends out the apostle’s to spread the good word, like a good coach before the big game he tells the apostle’s, if people don’t show you hospitality and welcome you in their home, brush off the dust from your feet and leave that city because it would be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. KaBoooom! The End of Days program Is Now Running.
One of history’s greatest leaders during World War II was the British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill. I personally have issues with the British leader and I will discuss that matter later in the actual manuscript. However, he stated, “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”[1] This is completely true.
I am going to show you the road map to 9/11 starting from Biblical times to the current crisis’s in the Middle East. I am defining crisis - as a stage in a sequence of events at which the trend of all future events, especially for better or worse, is determined; a turning point or a Precibus - Climax to the end complete destruction.
Solomon wrote: “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1: 9
I share this with you because I am a political and Bible junkie who watch’s many hours of news broadcast programs on CNN, MSNBC, and the Sunday morning news programs from ABC, CBS, and NBC. Quite frankly I am disappointed with commentators who don’t understand why Europe is looking to the United States to lead against al-Qaeda and ISIS and why the United States cannot broker a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. You are blind, when blind leads blind both fall into pit. All will be answered for you.
All journalist are disgusted by the wholesale slaughter of Muslims, Christians, and even journalist in the Middle East because of the Muslims religious belief ‘you convert or you die… mentality.’ Reread Solomon’s quote above or my book and understand you have no excuses, the pitiful saying “I didn’t know” will not be accepted or tolerated. Journalist, you are highly educated people, why don’t you know? Why can’t you see? Jesus states: “You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing bit never perceiving…” Matthew 13: 14
The answers to your questions are simple if you use the Bible as your guide.
In order to understand the Bible you must start by removing all religious and political ideology from your thinking process. Perform the following procedure, Control-Alt-Delete your brain and re-initialize all knowledge programs except for Religious and Political ideology programs and start with a clear unconditioned brainwashed brain and use your God given “All Seeing Eye.”
You Must Think Outside the Box, Then:
Embrace the American Constitution meaning to understand with your heart why the writers of the Constitution said “We the People,” “All men are created equal,” and created and installed the concept of Separation of Church and State.
Understand the Bible is about the Jewish People’s Journey, not the Christian journey of Death, Destruction, Deception and taught hatred.
Understand there is no need for Christianity until… really? Why don’t you know the answer?
Ask yourself this question; what is the most significant event in world history that defines all nations in the 21st Century. Hint, its not World War II or 9/11, sorry about that.
Understand all items in my prophecy chart “The Bibles Six Degrees of Separation Prophesy Chart” especially items in the “Milestones” column.
Do not expect political correctness.
Do expect complete transparent information being disseminated.
Do expect me to use the Bible and Bible quotes to defend my position.
Do expect me to call a person or group who commits the sin of Sodom a sodomite; I uphold the Bible and the American Constitution doing the Jesus Walk and not the religious and political sodomite walk.
My all seeing eye is watching and listening to you!
In Project Management, the Project Manager Sequence’s a series of work packages that will start at the beginning of a project whether it is rebuilding a bathroom, building a new house or building a battleship all of these projects will have sequencing of work packages to accomplish the project at hand.
Here I am sequencing events from Biblical times to current times in the 21st Century and limiting my logic to only the events that have an effect on the Jewish community, God’s Chosen People. By the way what does the phrase “God’s Chosen People” mean?
You may have noticed in my Bible Prophesy that the column named “End Result” all have one thing in common… Jews die, sometimes in very big numbers. So when we use the phrase “God’s Chosen People” be very very careful as to how you interpret this little saying.
Similarly, in 1 Samuel, Samuel anoints our gay stud David as King David…
“So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power.” 1 Samuel 16: 13
As we all now know, Jonathan loves David…
“Your father knows very well that I have found favor in your eyes…” 1 Samuel 20: 3
“And Jonathan had David reaffirm his oath out of love for him, because he loved him as he loved himself.” 1 Samuel 20:17
“Then they kiss each other and wept together – but David wept the most. Jonathan said to David, Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord, saying, ‘The Lord is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever.” 1 Samuel 20: 41-42
David laments after he learns that his man Jonathan is dead…
“Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of a woman.” 2 Samuel 1: 26
The above quotes don’t even entail the Big Gay Drama in 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel. The reason why I mention this is, even if you are “God’s Chosen” or “God’s Anointed” as Jews and gay men are respectively, Death, Destruction, Deception and taught Hatred will be all around you by the jealous, evil and the wicked ones, religious and political sodomites and their offspring, “The Disciples of Hate.”
After hundreds of years of demonization by Christian Leaders both the Jews and Gay men were both killed in the Concentration camps commonly known as the Jewish and Gay Holocaust of World War II. The Second Head of the “Beast out of the Sea” strikes a fatal blow to Gods Chosen and Anointed.
Bible Prophesy Milestones:
End of Days Scenario
Book of Daniel and Revelations Explained.
Roman Empire 1st Head of the Beast Out of the Sea invades and kills Jews and Gentiles in Judea. Jews Die! All Beasts out of the sea must have a direct relationship with ROME.
1st Unholy Union unfolds – the 1st Head of the Beast Out of the Sea (Roman Empire) crucifies the Prophet Jesus. One Jewish Man Dies!
The Most Significant EVENT in WORLD HISTORY Occurs, The Great Revolt occurs 2 generations after the crucifixion of Jesus. Jews are dispersed all over the world. Jews Die! Most importantly Jews are dispersed to Europe.
There is a need for a new religion. The Rise of the 1st Post Bible Alpha Religion – Christianity - begins its accent. Jews Must Die!
The 2nd Head of the Beast out of the Sea is identified by its actions.
Christianity begins the Christian Crusades. Jews and Gentiles Die!
The 2nd Head of the Beast Out of the Sea begins the Inquisition – Many thousands die – Jews, Women, Secular Peoples’ It’s the Christian way or hit the highway. Jews Die!
The Beast Out of the Sea – Christianity – conducts the “Methodology of the Demonization Process” (Teaches Hatred) against the Jews and gay men of Europe. Jews Must Die!
New Christian Sec starts its ascendancy with the Protestant Reformation in direct opposition to the 2nd Head of the Beast Out of the Sea. We are introduced to Dr. Martin Luther of the Protestant Reformation. Jews Will Die!
The Beast Out of the Earth Stands Alone,
The United States of America – begins its accent.
Concepts: We the People, All Men are Created Equal, Separation of Church and State… in accordance with Jesus’ teachings. Jews will Die!
The Second head of the Beast out of the Sea Roman Catholic Church (Christianity) is dealt a Fatal Wound by Napoleon as prophesy states – the papacy is dissolved for 200 years.
The Italian Fascist Dictator Benito Mussolini signs a Concordat (Treaty) named “Lateran Treaty,” with the Catholic figurehead Pope and creates the smallest city-state in the world. This act creates the late 20th and 21st century Roman Catholic Church. The Fatal Wound is Healed as prophesy states! Jews will Die!
It only takes one! The rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party begins. The Method of the Demonization Process is in full force. The Born Again Catholic Church signs another Concordat (Treaty) this time with Hitler named “Reich Concordat” which gave Moral Legitimacy to Hitler and the Nazi party. This is my Second Unholy Union. Jewish and Gay Holocaust Occurs, Jews Die!
World War II shatters the World, the Jewish and Gay Holocaust occurs at the hand of Christian Ideology and secular Nazi Party.
United Nations Creates the State of Israel in 1948.
Begin the FORCED RISE of the NEEDED Second Post Bible Alpha Religion – ISLAM!
Muslim States Attack the new born State of Israel.
Muslim secular leaders Crash and Burn – Israel Stands.
Muslim religious leaders begin the “Methodology of the Demonization Process” against Jews, Europe (Third Head of the Beast Out of the Sea /European Union) and the United States (The Beast out of the Land).
Religious leaders replace failed secular Muslim leaders to defend the Homeland with violent, radical, “its my way or hit the highway” mentality individuals, later to be know as Muslim Terrorist or Religiously Controlled Political Leaders.
Muslim begin “Training Wheel” terrorist bombings and killings.
April 18,1983 - US Embassy bombing in Beirut, Lebanon.
December 12, 1983 - Kuwait bombings, embassies Airport etc.
July 7, 1989 – Tel Aviv bus suicide attack.
February 26, 1993 – 1st World Trade Center bombing.
September 11, 2001, 2nd World Trade Center attack – Towers Fall.
January 7, 2015, Paris massacre, Je suis Charlie.
Terror attacks by Decades:
1980 - 1989: 3 Terrorist Attacks
1990 – 1999: 8 Terrorist Attacks
2000 – 2009: 39 Terrorist Attacks
2010 – Current: 52 Terrorist Attacks
“List of Islamic Terrorist Attacks” (Wikipedia) (January 20, 2015)
United States of America – Biblical name “Beast out of the Land”
The Supreme Court of the United States INSTALLS George W Bush as President, defying a more accurate vote count in the state of Florida; the Governor of FL is George W Bush’s brother.
September 11, 2001 Muslims terrorist attack the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the ditching of one airliner in PA.
President George W Bush rightly attacks Afghanistan.
President George W Bush wrongly attacks Iraq.
President George W Bush commits to torture of people.
Result: George W Bush allows BIBLE PROPHESY about the USA to come true. “He exercised all the authority of the first beast [Kill People in the Middle East] on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men [Cruise Missiles]. Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast [Kill people in the Holy Land], deceived the inhabitants of the earth [War of deception in Iraq].” Revelation 13: 12-14
The Supreme Court changes the American Constitution from “We the People” to “We the Corporations” with the Citizens United case.
Known Unknown MILESTONES to occur in the future:
1) More Training Wheel terrorist attacks to occur.
2) The rise of a Muslim secular leader who will organize all Muslims similar to what Emperor Constantine accomplished with the barbaric Christian Sec’s at The First Council of Nicaea.
3) The rise of a TRANSITIONAL Muslim Religious/Political organization/state.
4) Major biological attack in the European Union (EU) (3rd Head of “The Beast out of the Sea.”)
5) EU retaliates and attacks unknown Middle Eastern State.
6) The second Jewish Holocaust to occur in Israel.
NOTE: number 5 and 6 are directly related to one another.
7) The United States will act as the feeder nation to repopulate Israel.
8) The World community realizes beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is a religious war between the First Post Bible ALPHA Religion Christianity and the Second Post Bible ALPHA Religion Islam.
9) To Late, You F**ked Up!
10) The FINAL CONFLICT, Christianity vs. Islam occurs.
11) Jesus returns to fight off both Post Bible Alpha Religions and kills them both.
12) Justice is finally served for all the victims of Religious and Political sodomites.
13) Welcome to the End of Days Final Conflict.
The full Bible Prophesy about the United States of America:
“Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth [1]. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon [2]. He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed [3]. And performed great and miraculous signs even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men [4]. Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth [5]. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who wounded by the sword and yet lived. He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.
This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666. [6]”
Revelation 13: 11-18
Prophesy Symbolism:
[1] “Out of the earth,” is a place that is sparsely populated at the time of when the 2nd head of the Beast Christianity/Papacy was dealt a fatal wound. This is the United States of America.
[2] “Like a lamb with two horns, spoke like a dragon,” the lamb has always been the a symbol for Jesus the way things should be but are not, two horns symbolize Separation of Church and State, a very foreign concept at the time but written into the American Constitution, spoke like a dragon, turns evil like the heads of the Beast out of the Sea; Hello George W Bush.
[3] Try being a NON-Christian in the United States and get elected to the presidency. Starting invading and killing the people of the Middle East.
[4] Cruise Missiles raining down on the people in the Muslim states… all viewed on 24x7 news channels.
[5] DECEPTION – The wrong unjust war in Iraq freely wage by the one (W) who was installed by the Conservatives Christians on the United States Supreme Court.
[6a] 666: hold on to your hats boys and girls, it gets bumpy from here…
On the Christian/Pope Mitre, which has not been seen for a very long time and is very controversial it is written:
(Latin) VICARIUS FILII DEI, which means “Representative of the Son of God.”
Roman Numerals:
V: 5 + I: 1 + C: 100 + A: 0 + R: 0 + I: 1 + V/U: 5 + S: 0 = 112
F: 0 + I: 1 + L: 50 + I: 1 + I: 1 = 53
D: 500 + E: 0 + I: 1= 501
SUM: 112 + 53 + 501= 6662
[6b] Jesus states: “And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.” Matthew 23: 9 as all of you know you address Catholic priest as Father Tom, Dick, or Harry.
[6c] Lets take a walk into a Catholic Church, as you enter the front center door you are in the vestibule, walk a little further you will see the center aisle, on both sides of the rear pew are Sistine bowls filled with Holy Water, which is regular water then is Blessed by the Catholic Priest and becomes Holy Water.
As a practicing Catholic you are to genuflect and at the same time infuse you hand in the Holy Water and make the Sign of the Cross. Note, the only place that the Holy Water touches is the HAND and the FOREHEAD prophesy working against you.
[6d] The “Image” is the Cross with or without the statue of Jesus. For the Ten Commandments States:
“You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God…” Exodus 20: 46
[6d-Note] If you have children in Sunday school review their textbook that teaches about the Ten Commandments, you will see that the Christian textbook DELETES the SECOND COMMANDMENT and makes up the 10th Commandment, I call this in my book the “Christian Bump.”
[6e] For the Book of Acts states: “Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that divine being is like gold or silver or stone-an image made by man’s design and skill. In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.”
Acts 17: 20-30
[6f] Christian leaders change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday in direct violation of the Bible and Jesus’ teachings.
Final Notes:
As I stated earlier the Bible has two main themes, 1) Justice must be served and 2) Progressive Punishment, the following are groups who have not received justice because of the Beast Out of The Sea or the Beast Out of the Land.
1) The Jews, Gods Chosen because of the Jewish holocaust of World War II.
2) The Gay Community because of the Gay Men’s holocaust of World War II.
3) The Muslim Community because their land was given to the Jewish community creating the State of Israel because of the demonization by the 2nd Head of the Beast out of the Sea the Pope and Dr. Martin Luther Christians. Remember Jews where not in Judea for over 2000 years.
4) The victims of all Muslim terrorist attacks since the end of World War II.
5) All the first responders who are dieing for doing their job on 9/11 and thereafter.
Welcome to the Real World without Justice on a Biblical Scale.
And last, but not least, the 61st Speaker of the United States House of Representatives John Boehner invites Pope Francis to speak to the House of Representatives in September 2015, Boehner himself a Catholic.
Our Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves, sorry George, TJ, Franklin and the Adam’s, it not me… its those conservative religious and political sodomites and Constitutional Abortionist guys in Washington DC! Remember our Founding Fathers were running like hell from the Religious and Political sodomites of then Europe.
The Bible Always Demands Justice Be Served, if not, Progressive Punishment will be served to you.
The End
Doing the Jesus Walk, not the Religious and Political sodomite walk.
May my peace and wisdom be with you… for now!
[1] “Quotes, Wit and Wisdom” (National Churchill Museum). (August 13, 2014).
[2] "The Worlds Last Chance" website, (2006).